Rullande skärmdumpar har varit standard i Samsungs mobiler under en längre tid och det ryktades om att Google skulle göra funktionen till standard i Android 11. Nu har det framkommit att så inte kommer bli fallet.
Eller ja, det ser i alla fall inte ut som att Google kommer släppa den här funktionen i den första stabila versionen av Android 11 då Google har sagt följande i ett pressmeddelande:
We’re still working on it, but It didn’t make the cut for R.
Rather than cranking out a quick hack that works for one or two hand-picked apps on a particular device, our goal on the platform team is to build this in a way that *any* app can plug into, whether they’re using a bog-standard RecyclerView or have implemented their own OpenGL-accelerated scrolling engine. We investigated this throughout the R timeline, involving folks from the window manager and System UI teams; you’ll be able to see this scrolling capture framework start to take shape in the AOSP source.
In the end, as with every Android release (and especially in this unusual year), we had to make hard choices about where to focus our limited resources; while this is a cool feature that we’re still really excited about, we decided not to rush it. Look for it in a future API bump.
Jag hoppas och tror att Google i alla fall kommer göra den här funktionen till standard i en framtida version av Android 11!